Hey, Today I will be showing you how to get free engaging Instagram followers. You can gain about 2500-3000 followers in just 1 month.
If you are wondering this is that website which gives you free fake instagram followers with one click, then you are wrong! Those are called SPAM ! and believe me guys, that method doesn’t work. You just can’t get any real followers in 1 click.
That’s just Impossible!
UPDATE: I couldn’t get to the target 3000 followers on my account because of the niche I am in. This method works great for Sports, Quotes, Travel, Photography, etc. This method doesn’t usually work that great on marketing pages.
So before we start I would like to say that the method that I have used here is completely free of cost and you don’t have to pay for anything.
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I have used this exact method to grow my Instagram account on Sports from 0-3000 followers in just 1 month.
I know, I know,
You would probably have heard this from 1000 of YouTubers and bloggers but I am not just going to show you this trick, Instead, I will make a new Instagram account for this tutorial and we will do it together.
Since this blog doesn’t have a page on Instagram, I will be making an account for this blog called stashlr.
Here is the proof that I have started from 0 followers on 04/01/2019.

I am pretty much sure that in 1 month you will have somewhere about 3000 Instagram followers if you post the right content.
I will be showing each and every step, starting from how you can set up your account.
So Let’s Begin then!
Disclaimer: This method works only on an android phone and won’t work on iPhones.Sorry Apple users!
1.Setting Up Your Instagram Account
If you don’t have an Instagram account already. Go to Instagram.com and make one or just download the app from the Play Store and sign up for a new account.
When choosing your Instagram username, I suggest you use-
- Small words
- Avoid numbers and symbols
- Using the underscore( _ ) is ok
And after that write a great bio which must withstand from others.if you have a website/affiliate link or any link which you would like to promote, then add it in the website column.
Now go to Settings > and click Switch to Business Account. This is very useful if you are looking to make money through Instagram.
Now, Your account will look empty with just the bio.
Fill it up with some 4-5 great posts and keep adding posts once or twice each day. when posting, try to bring up engaging content where the users might comment on your post.
For eg. Ask controversial questions regarding your posts, which may trigger some users and you get more engagement.
And when you get so more engagement, You may get featured on the Explore Page. and that leads you to more followers.
Using of Hashtags is great, but don’t use too many of them. Just use 10-15 relevant hashtags.
2.The Magic App
Followers Chief is the name of the automation software we are going to use. It’s the best available for android.
This app is an automation software for your Instagram account. BUT, unlike many of them this one is free(or we can say, the free version is available outside PlayStore ).
It works like this
- We target some Instagram users who have a great number of followers and a high engagement rate.
- Followers Chief will start following, liking and commenting on followers of all the accounts we have added.
We need to Install just 1 app in order for this to work.
- Download Followers Chief from This Link and install it.
- After the installation has finished, Open Followers Chief app and Login with your Instagram username and Password (Don’t worry, It’s safe. I have been using this app for more than 1 year and has encountered 0 security problems).
That’s It!
3.Setting Up the Automation software
Before you start the automation, There are a set of things to do:-
- You need to target some people whom you need to follow, like, comment, so for that, you need to go to the icon which is shown in the figure below
- Targeting is a way by which you will perform automation on a particular user’s followers. For eg. If your Instagram Account is based on Football(soccer), Then I would recommend you add all the accounts who are your direct competitors like brfootball, 433 … etc. It’s better to add accounts which have a high engagement rate on their posts.
- Next thing you need to do is click the icon shown in the photo below
- Scroll Down and you will see a comment section. The comments that you add here will be posted on people’s post. I recommend using just emojis as comments because anything other than that will look like SPAM! and we wouldn’t want that? Do we?
- Go back and click the icon that looks like a speedometer.
- Here you can set how many actions need to be done in 1 hour. I recommend using slow or normal mode when you have just started and you can increase the speed after 3 or 4 days.
- I haven’t told you about the Auto DM because I don’t recommend using it. You can use it But, believe me, people won’t like it.
Voila! You can Now Start all your automation except Auto DM and Auto Unfollow.
Important Things to remember –
- DO NOT TURN ON both Auto Follow and Unfollow simultaneously because it follows and unfollows the same person at that instant itself.
- DO NOT increase the speed the first day itself. Instagram might prevent you from doing any actions for a whole day.
- Let the app run in the background day & night so that you get the maximum followers and engagement.
- Since you will be following a lot of people, your following will increase, so once in a while don’t forget to unfollow all the people who are NOT following you.
So that’s It.
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I will be writing another post after some days on the development of my Instagram profile and I will share it with you guys.
Feel free to share your experience too and if you have any doubt please let me know it in the comment section below.
Thank you for Reading. Peace!